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Holding fast to your "Clear Mental Picture "  Is your best tool for success with your horse... Dennis

Exceptional Farrier & Horse Training


Cappel Training

Dennis is the Cowboy's Cowboy, authentic with his easygoing manner he positions himself with a though understanding of the horse. The tools that he uses are their natural instincts. This allows him to communicate with them in a language they instinctively understand. His decades of passion for the horse have developed a master skill rooted in his extensive background of handling cattle. Come join this unique experience!


Farrier, Horse Training & Horsemanship Services


Dennis' reputation precedes him with decades of proven results. 


Horse Training in all disciplines - All issues! 

Shoeing is an art form of support  and  balance.


Done correctly, it will improve performance and longevity in your horse.  Farrier Services at our facility or yours. 

Learn highly skilled  horsemanship from the master himself.


You will be better for  it and your horse will be better for you!

Whether you're a self-study learner or short on free time, we have the perfect solution for you.


Register for our comprehensive equine online courses.

Upcoming Classes:


This horse trimming class is designed for you to experience the feeling of knowing how to recognize if your horse's feet are trimmed in a way so that they maintain soundness, improve performance, and increase longevity.

Horse Trimming Class

Experience this exceptional training weekend of 

getting you and your horse comfortable working a cow. 

Cow Horse Training
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