Horse-Man-Ship Mentality - The Horse Speaks!
Greetings Friend,
So what is the language of the horse?
*They press into what they don't understand.
*They run away from things they don't understand.
*When they're on the defensive they lean.
*When they're in agreement they're straight.
*When they understand what is being asked of them they gladly respond with the least amount of effort.
*They communicate with their eyes, ears, facial expressions, posture, muscle tone and foot placement.
* Horses are highly emotional, they need to express that emotion out through their feet.
* They find comfort in the presence of a qualified leader.
* They will gladly hand over their self preserving intuition to a person that has proven themselves worthy to take responsibility for them.
* Breathing is important to them. Deep breaths express a feeling of acceptance and that all is Okay.
*Holding their breath signifies danger and produces a feeling to flee.
I am sure there are many many more subtle ways that they communicate with each other that most of us are completely unaware of. I think that the better a person can become at reading the horse's language correctly and responding according to what they see and feel, the better things can go between them.
Mindful Riding,
Dennis Cappel
Master Horseman

Events coming up:
Horse-man-ship ranch style clinic
October 13-15th, 2023
Barefoot Trim
November 18th, 2023
I need to print that out and read daily!
Having owned, bred, raised and trained horses for 25 years now, I have never before equated my horse moving it's feet as an expression of emotion. After thinking on it, it's a very true assessment of emotion. I will think on it differently, next time my trusty steed is "dancing on the trail"... Perhaps a reassuring attitude on my part is better than a reprimand :)