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Horse-man-ship Mentality- Horsemanship Missing Link Answers Part 2

Updated: Jun 29

Horse-man-ship Mentality – Horsemanship Missing Link Answers Part 2 of 3

Cappel Wisdom from the saddle,



Dennis is covering questions that he believes are the utmost importance to having great horsemanship.  This could be a missing link that you have been waiting to connect.


Energy is the controlling element of movement and complete control of it should be with the rider. If it isn't the horse is simply in control.  


Q. Is focusing your energy important? 

It’s more than important, it is how Clear Communication is achieved. If your signals to the horse are precisely backed by deliberate intention your timing based on the feel you're getting back from your horse will be perfect! Who doesn't want that?


Q. What does understanding energy have to do with skilled horse-man-ship?

A. It is important to know exactly where energy is entering into the horse's body because this is a direct point of influence on the horse's mind through their body. 

This will give you a predictable response of the feet from the horse's mind. Then it becomes an electrical impulse from the horse's brain through their body to their feet. 

All of this happens at the speed of light! 


Keep watching blogs for more missing links to great horse-man-ship!

Mindful Riding,

Dennis Cappel - Master Horseman

Cappel Training and Shoeing


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Classes Coming Up:

Horse-man-ship Ranch Clinic

June 7-9th

Horse Trimming

June 29th

Weekend Horseshoeing

August 2-4th

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