Horse-man-ship Mentality- Great farriers have this
Cappel Cowboy Wisdom
How do you become a farrier? Make the decision!
Horseshoeing has always been a topic that everyone you talk to seems to have all the right answers.
This much I know after almost 5 decades of shoeing horses myself - that there is ALWAYS more to learn. You might reach a spot from time to time of knowing, only to find that there are people, horses, and experiences (provided you are a student of the horse), that will cause you to stop in your tracks and - THink!
I have found that it's in these times of deep thought, I have found the most profound realizations.
The best farriers stay -
Open-minded and have the desire to do the best they can do for each horse they encounter.
It's not a job to them, it's a passion.
Mindful Riding,
Dennis Cappel - Master Horseman
Be empowered with:
Trimming and Shoeing Online Courses - starts immediately
Classes Coming Up:
November 2nd, 2024
Horseshoeing 2025 date TBA