Horse-man-ship Mentality – Exceptional Natural Horsemanship
Cappel Cowboy Wisdom
Focus, Passion, Mental Toughness – That is it. When these three elements are combined, they become the greatest predictor of success or exceptionalism.
1. Where do you want to go? (Focus)
2. How bad do you want to get there? (Passion)
3. Do you have the mental skills needed to handle the adversity along the Journey? (Mental Toughness)
Quoted from the book – “Greatest” by David Cook
Reading of the Horse
This is a tool of communication between you and your horse. In other words, it is the horse’s words back to you.
Value of knowing your “Why.”
If you misread what the horse is saying back to you through their body language your chances of getting positive results diminish greatly.
Sometimes things will work, and you do not know “WHY” they did.
Sometimes things will not work, and you will not know “WHY” they did not.
It is not so important to know whether things work or not as it is to know “WHY” or not. When you know “WHY” something worked you can repeat it. Or if you know “WHY” something did not work you can avoid or make an adjustment so it could work.
Hold fast to your Clear Mental Picture
There are “NO” set-in-stone things to do or not that will always accomplish the things you want. We have to be “Open” to the feedback from the horse and “Willing” to make the adjustments necessary so that we can “Clearly” communicate to the horse exactly “WHAT” we are wanting and “TIME” it in such a way that the horse perceives exactly what they are wanting, which is “PEACE”.
Ideally, we can arrange things so that it was the horse’s idea to accomplish the task we are asking for.
The Horse Speaks
If you can understand the horse's language through reading their eyes, attitude, emotions, posture, and movement, “NOW” you have the knowledge to set the stage for a back-and-forth meaningful conversation that can develop into a true relationship. Here is where “TRUST” and “RESPECT” can be elevated at the same time – Success!
Your connection to exceptionalism
Join Cappel Horsemanship Facebook group as Dennis speaks during February on Mindful Mondays - How to Read the Horse.
Did you know? The online Reading the Horse course includes a coaching call from Dennis to ensure your understanding that will lead you to the success you so desire with your horse.
Mindful Riding,
Dennis Cappel - Master Horseman
All Online Courses 50% OFF - Ending Soon! Don't miss out! Use code SPECIAL50
Classes Coming 2025:
April 26-27th, 2025
March 29th, 2025
Weekend Horseshoeing
March 7-9th, 2025