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Horse-man-ship Mentality – Changing Horse’s Emotions

Horse-man-ship Mentality – Changing Horse’s Emotions

Cappel Cowboy Wisdom

Emotions will manifest in particular ways in a horse. They will vary widely from horse to horse yet still have similar characteristics.

Fleeing is fleeing regardless of the reason why. However, the reason for the fleeing whatever it is for the horse is an expression of the emotion they are feeling at the time. This will typically send a horse to or even through an outside boundary.

When inside boundaries are tested it is usually an aggressive and defensive attitude being expressed in the posture of the horse.

So, in other words, a horse is either trying to run away or run through perceived danger in their mind.

Horses express their feelings through their feet. Therefore, we can assume with measurable accuracy internally how they are feeling based on how they are expressing themselves physically.

Check out the YouTube video titled “Changing Horses ‘Emotions - resistance to non-resistance” to see this in action.

Mindful Riding,

Dennis Cappel - Master Horseman


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November 2nd, 2024

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