Horse-man-ship Mentality - Are you deliberate with your horse?
Thoughts from Dennis,
Do you have a deliberate reason behind everything you do with a horse?
As soon as your horse acknowledges your presence by "seeing" you, the work session for that day has begun. At that moment the horse should relinquish all of their decision-making process over to you.
Does your horse do this for you? Have you ever thought about your time with your horse in this perspective?
For me, when I come into the presence of the horse every step they take, every attitude that they have, the posture that they are in, and everything they do becomes an opportunity for me to either allow what they are doing or not, based on the "Clear Mental Picture" that I hold fast to.
Mindful Riding,
Dennis Cappel - Master Horseman
Cappel Training and Shoeing
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Events Coming Up:
February 24-25th
Pre-Spring Clinic March 9-10th
I Recommend Andy Booth's "The Bitter Truth" video